Zero to Fully Booked in Under 12 Weeks

From zero to fully booked

Have you ever found yourself in a new city, knowing no one, and needing to build a clientele from scratch? Maybe you’re coming back from some time away. Or for some unknown reason, you aren’t as booked up as you used to be and need to fill your schedule but feel like you’ve been at it for too long, and the embarrassment of not being fully booked has got you feeling trapped in paralysis.

Whatever it is that has brought you to needing to fill your empty schedule with clients, it can be daunting, especially for self-employed hairstylists and beauty professionals. Because you already possess the knowledge, skills & talent but struggle with taking action. I’ve been there – at 31, (14 years into my career, & 4 years into being self-employed) I moved to a new city where I knew no one. Despite the overwhelm and fear, I took messy, immediate, imperfect action and built a thriving clientele from the basement of my suburban rental in under 12 weeks, earning over six figures in my first year. Here's how you can do it too.

Building a Clientele is Like Building a House

Think of building a clientele as constructing a house. You need to start with:

  • a solid foundation
  • create a sturdy framework
  • and finish with the finer details.

All the while, you should be marketing the house for sale even before it’s complete. Your foundation is your skills and professionalism, the framework is your consistent effort and action, and the finishings are the personal touches that set you apart from others.

I know you are addicted to learning but allergic to implementing. It’s time to show up courageously and vulnerably, taking messy, immediate, and imperfect action. Waiting for the perfect moment or perfecting every detail can lead to inaction. Start now and adjust as you go. I know it can feel scary, but I know developing the muscle of learning how to jump before you know how to land is what will set you apart.

Self-Promotion Over Social Media Tactics

While social media can be a valuable tool, self-promotion and direct marketing are more effective when building a clientele. Engage with your community, network with local businesses, and make genuine connections. People are more likely to trust and refer someone they’ve met in person. Plus, you can take what you learn about marketing and apply it to your social media. You aren’t trying to go viral; you are trying to relate, engage, and connect. 

Ditch the hacks and start showing up.

A Personal Story

When I moved to my new city, I knew I had to hit the ground running. I started talking about my move before it happened. I reached out to local businesses and influencers to connect and say hello. I shared my excitement to soon be part of their community and how I love to help people look and feel their best. This not only got my name out there but also led to excitement around my arrival and anticipation of when I would officially take clients, and even created referrals from soon-to-be clients.

Success Stories

Consider my student, Anna, who is now booked out two weeks in advance. Or Barb, who doubled her clientele. Adri started getting referrals even before she got her business cards printed. These success stories prove that with the right approach, building a clientele quickly is possible.


Building a clientele from zero to fully booked in under 12 weeks will take effort, but it is 100% achievable with the right mindset and strategies. Start by laying a solid foundation, taking immediate action, and prioritizing marketing.


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